
Warp&Weft is a story-making project in Exeter that works to gather stories, spin yarns, and weave them into the fabric of the city. A blend of talking and listening, co-creation and writing, and finally weaving, each iteration of the project will contribute to a growing artefact woven from both wool and words.

The stories we tell about ourselves become our identity. As each of us is made of stories, so is our city. Exeter’s foundation narrative is the story of the wool cloth trade, and the wealth, employment and diversity wool brought Exeter over hundreds of years. Following in that tradition, Warp&Weft will combine wool and weaving with words and stories, creating connection and contrast, texture and pattern. 

Working initially with small groups of less visible community members, the project will gather untold and unheard stories from the margins and corners. Story weavers will gain skills and confidence alongside their story-making, enabling future facilitated interaction with story-partners. Their expertise will tease out their partner’s stories, thus interweaving connections and story exchanges across class and cultural, racial and generational polarities.

Warp&Weft is led by Pippa Marriott and Fiona Macbeth, storyweavers, facilitators and writers.


The Lockdown Blues


exetreme imagination