Shon Faye in Exeter

In February 2022, we joined forces with a host of local organisations to bring Shon Faye — author of the Sunday Times’ instant bestseller The Transgender Issue — to Exeter. Shon delivered a public discussion at Exeter College, a student-only Q&A session, and lead her very first writing workshop with local LGBTQ+ young people.

Trans people in Britain today find themselves part of a culture war and an increasingly polarised ‘debate’. Instead of being involved in meaningful conversations, trans people are often left out, and denied their voice.

Before becoming a writer and campaigner, Shon trained as a lawyer, leaving to work for Amnesty International, Stonewall, and Dazed Magazine. Her writing has been published by the Guardian, the Independent and Vice, among others. Faye recently launched an acclaimed podcast series, Call Me Mother, interviewing trailblazing LGBTQ elders.

Shon Faye’s book reclaims the idea of the 'transgender issue’, uncovering what it’s like to be trans in a transphobic society. From youth to old age, Faye’s book tackles issues like work, family, housing, healthcare, and being part of the LGBTQ+ and feminist communities.

A smart, powerful and inspiring speaker, Faye discussed why her book is a mandate for change, and how new, healthier conversation about trans life offers the possibility of a more just, free and joyful world for us all.

This fantastic series of events was made possible by wonderful collaboration between Exeter College, Exeter’s Trans & Non-binary Cafe, Exeter Decolonising Network, Bookbag, Intercom Trust, Rethinking Sexology, and University of Exeter Students’ Guild.


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